Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The fun of cows!!

Isn't he a cutey!
Cows are great, well, most of the time! My husband and I plan to have a few cows when we finely move out to our homestead, we are interested in the milking Devon Breed which is on the endangered list. It's said to be hardy, a good forager, friendly, gives a good amount of milk but not too much and is priced reasonably, not to mention it is a beautiful mahogany color. We talked about miniature cows, Guernseys and other popular homestead breeds but think the milking Devon Is the right one for us.
  Where we currently live we are not allowed to have a cow but I still get to see them at a neighboring farm. The past 5 days I have had the privilege to care for a local quarter horse farm that also has cows, short horns I believe. They are raised for the owners personal meat and seem to be a very hearty breed. The calves are quite silly tho in the way they like to escape and then can't figure out how to get back in!! I have had "fun" herding little stubborn calves who did not want to go where they needed to, two times in the past 4 days. I can honestly say I have gotten my exercise! Weight lifting, cardio, crunches, stretches, all part of just caring for a farm. Who needs a gym?

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